Protest Policy

Protest Policy

It is the strong belief of the Office of University Recreation that contests should be won or lost on the field of play. The intramural staff will resolve all disputes immediately. Matters involving an official’s judgment are not a basis for protest.

The Office of University Recreation reserves the right to rule in any matters not covered in this handbook. We will apply the spirit of the rules and fairness in all situations.

The decision of an official or intramural staff member to eject a player or spectator for any unsportsmanlike conduct (be it verbal or physical) will be firmly upheld by the Office of University Recreation.

Steps to protesting a game:

  1. All protests must be registered immediately with the Sport Supervisor on site. A valid protest must either concern player eligibility or a misapplication or misinterpretation of a sport rule. A protest of the judgment of an Intramural Sports Official is invalid. An official Protest Form must be completed with the Intramural Sports Supervisor on duty for the protest to receive further consideration.
    • Player Eligibility Protests
      1. Opponents must verbally make the Intramural Sports Staff (Official or Supervisor) and suspected ineligible player aware of an eligibility protest before the respective player enters and participates in the contest.
      2. Opponents give up their right to protest any player after the suspected ineligible player participates against them.
    • Game Protests
      A valid game protest must include the following:
      1. Protests must be made during the contest at the time of the incident by the team captain to the game official and/or the sport supervisor before the next “live” ball.
      2. At that time, the reason for the protest must be given to the game official.
      3. Protests must involve a misinterpretation or misapplication of a playing rule.
      4. The managers, the official(s) and any other staff present must sign the game scoresheet upholding or denying the protest. Unless this procedure is followed, the protest will not be considered. Every attempt will be made to rule on the protest immediately. In many cases, the protest can be settled on the field of play.
  2. If you disagree with the on-site decision, you may appeal the decision with the Director of Intramurals. A protest is not complete until a typed version of the protest is submitted through the online form to the Intramural Director by 12:00pm (NOON) of the day after the game in question, otherwise it will be discarded. For weekend games, the deadline is 12:00pm (NOON) on Monday following the game.
  3. If the protest is received by the deadline of 12:00pm (NOON), then the Office of University Recreation will review the protest. If necessary, the team captains or selected team representatives may deliver and discuss the written protest. Additional team members may be asked to appear by the University Recreation staff.
  4. Games altered by valid protests will be replayed, if possible, from the point of the game where the protest occurred. Due to facility space limitations, the University Recreation office and both team captains may agree to a non-playing solution.


Playoff Protests

Due to time constraints, protests during the playoffs will be decided by the Intramural Sports Supervisor on-duty. The decision of the Intramural Sports Supervisor is final and cannot be appealed to the Sr. Assistant Director of University Recreation – Intramural Sports and Facilities.


Protest Appeals

A written, typed appeal of a protest decision must be submitted within 48 hours of notification of the protest decision. The typed appeal must be submitted to the Associate Director of University Recreation – Business & Technology.